So… I’m sitting here wearing… well never mind that part, but it is finally cooling off a bit here in sunny Flo-rid-ia. It’s not as cool as it would be normally for this time of year, but cool enough to where I’m not sweating my ass off! Must be time for… MUWHAhahaha… Halloween!
Yep, it’s that time of year again that when you walk into a grocery store and there is a huge display of candy. Yeah, that’s really helping my diet… NOT! Actually, I could pass on most of that junk, but there are a few of my favorites there. I do love a snickers bar; especially the dark chocolate ones. I’ve been good so far. I’ve passed them right by. LOL
A quick update…
As many of you know, I fell five weeks ago and managed to sprain my foot/ankle and then, being the most talented and graceful of human beings, managed to break my foot as well. Yeah, it’s been so much fun… again, not. Well, I managed to ditch the stupid crutches last week and finally, the stupid Frankenstein boot this week! YAY! Yeah, the foot is a bit sore, and the doc said it would be for a while. I still need to use the cane, which I’ll more than likely have to continue to use for the rest of my life, but at least I can move about and carry coffee without most of it ending up on the floor. So, double YAY!
A great big thank you to all those who sent me well wishes, cards and gifts. They were greatly appreciated. The big problem was, I had a hard time getting to the mail box and the mail man wasn’t quite nice enough to bring it to the door, even though he knew what was going on. Imagine that? Grrr….
I’m so ashamed…
I fell off the wagon again. Yeah, it wasn’t pretty either. I came very close to hanging black cloth over the mirrors so I wouldn’t see my shame. There are times I just can’t resist. It’s like I have to have it. I have no self-control sometimes. It is my drug of choice I guess. I’ve yet to find a twelve-step program for my addiction. Am I that strange? Surely there must be another person out there that has the same problem! Oh the shame, the shame.
Yes, of course I’m talking about milk. Can you believe I drank an entire gallon in one sitting? Yeah, I did. (hanging head in shame.) I couldn’t help it. It was there. It was cold. It called to me. It was teasing me. I could hear it calling to me from the frig… “You know you want me. You desire me… I am here.” I’m not going to mention the entire package of Tim Tams that went with it. So much for the diet. Ugh…
Moving right along…
The good news is I finally finished this latest installment of Christmas Memories. Go me! Look for it soon: A Christmas Memory 3: Home Sweet Home. All the regular characters are there. Maggie Sutton is still the powerhouse she always was and I did add a few new characters. I hope you like it. I’m not sure why I struggled with it so, but there were times it was like pulling teeth from a mule from the back end. However, it’s done and I can now move on to the other 1, 2, 3, 4 stories I’ve got going on.
The other good news is…
I got the rights back to P.O.W. from MLR. I’ve had it re-edited and a fantastic new cover for it. A.J. Corza, who does all my covers, is pure genius. We’ve gotten to know each other so well, that I just give her the basic synopsis and tell her to go for it. She always comes through for me. She is a true artists and it shows each time she does a cover and that isn’t just mine either. Anyway, keep an eye out for that one soon.
What else…
I’ve been dying to get outside and dig in the dirt. With this weather being so nice, it has been killing me to be stuck inside. There are so many projects I want to get done. I’m hoping that I can get back to a more normal schedule and have time to do some of them. Maybe by this time next week I’ll have my herb garden in. That would be so awesome. I do miss not having fresh herbs to cook with. They do make such a difference.
I guess that’s about all I have for this week. Take care of one another. Do something nice for someone, not matter how small. Always remember that we all have more in common than we have differences. A hand up doesn’t mean a hand out. Go get some of those good Karma Coins, everyone.
Have a grrreat week y'all,
Oh, I almost forgot... if you're looking for a a little something to read while the little monsters are visiting, why not give The V Unit a try. Like Vampires? Like hot hunky Marines? I smooshed 'em together. Available at your favorite book retailer.