First things first…it is time to announce the three winners for the Sasquatch give-away! They are Judy, Dani and Tailitu! Congratulations to one and all. For those who are wondering what the correct answer is…HA you’ll have to read the book to figure that one out.
I've been very humbled by the success and support I've gotten for both Hawk ‘n’ Harley and Sasquatch. I truly never expected such nice comments from readers and wonderful reviews. I am rarely speechless, but there have been times when I just don’t know what else to say except thank you. So again, thank you!

A quick side note: Thanks for the well wishes for my friend here that I've been helping out. She is making a speedy recovery, although not as quick as she would like, of course. Yes, I am still in Florida for the time being. I am not missing Atlanta in the least. I love it here and I’m looking forward to living here in the very near future. I just with that it was sooner rather than later. The eye candy here is…plentiful.
Well people, that’s it for this week. If I plan on getting that WIP finished in time I can’t spend on day on here now can I?
Thanks everyone!
Max ;-)