Um… Oh look, a book…
In case you didn’t know, I did put out a little book this past week. Yep, Christmas Memories 3: Home Sweet Home is out and available from your favorite book retailers. I was a little surprised at how popular the first one was (is) and a little less surprised when Christmas Memories 2 surged forward. I do however get it why people like the Suttons. I mean, who wouldn’t want them as a family. This time… I think the story took a major step forward. I’m not sure if there is going to be any more from this family, but I’ll welcome their return if they decided to pay me a visit. To me, these stories are like being wrapped up in a warm fuzzy blanket. Hope y’all enjoy them.
Oh wow…
I was watching TV with TAT (That Aussie Tart) this week. To be honest, I can’t even remember what it was we were watching. What I do remember was the story line, the major plot holes and how ridiculous it all became. I made the comment… “If I put this crap in a book I would be nailed to a cross and then it would be set on fire.” Why? Pfft… Insta-Love to start with. Do you know just how many times I’ve had my big ass raked over the coals for this? But it seems Hallmark can get away with it, no problem. As I’ve said time and time again; a guy will often know within thirty seconds if he is into you or not. Case closed. Not sure why, but it happens. And here’s a news flash for you: It happened to me this past summer. I was totally mesmerized by a man in five minutes. Had he asked me to marry him that night I’d have said yes! Hell, he could ask me today and I’d say the same thing.
The plot holes were so damned big you could have driven a Peterbilt through ‘em. I’m really careful about those kinds of things, mainly, because they are a pet peeve of mine. I mean, come on, who is writing this stuff and why in the hell is no one checking it? As I told TAT, after giving her the dialogue before it was even spoken, I could write this drivel. And it was just that… total drivel. Grrr…
Oh hell no…
I’ve been asked a few times if I took part in Black Friday. Uhhh… NO! You couldn’t pay me enough to get into all that mess. First off, I hate going to any mall. Okay, I take that back. I loved going to the malls in Australia, but they are very different. I mean, they have real honest-to-god butcher shops in theirs! I do love me some bacon. But here, in the States… not a snowballs chance in hell.
Let me point out… I save a whole lot more money staying my ass home that dragging it out into the madness of Black Friday. Sure, y’all may have saved a lot of money shopping on things… stuff, but my money is still in my pocket, so you tell me who saved more. HA!
I will admit though, I did do a little online shopping. There were a few deals I’d been waiting for AND what I did get also put some money towards my charity. Yep, I sat here, sipping my coffee, my comfy house shoes on, did my little bit of shopping and didn’t even swear once. I figured I made out like a bandit. So I did spend a little bit, but I saved even more by not having to buy alcohol.
Let’s talk snow…

Side Note: I’d rather peel my nuts up off my leather chair than try and pry them away from my tonsils, thank you very much. Just thought I’d throw that out there.
Let’s talk books…
I was fortunate to come from a family of readers. My mother, grandmother and sister would read to me most every night. Of course, this is probably why I can’t really listen to audio books. Talk about a sleeping pill. Puts me right out. The side benefit was that when I started reading on my own, I found it easy. I was reading well beyond my grade level which pleased my teachers, but also put them in a bit of a quandary. They didn’t know what to do with me. While I could read on a grade level 3 when I was only five years old, I couldn’t add for shit. Hell, I still can’t. Don’t ask me to balance a checkbook! Numbers escape me. Always have.
Personally, I think that reading is a way to escape for a little while. Go on a vacation, an adventure; learn about different cultures and people. Who wouldn’t like a mini-vacation? I also think that all kids should have the opportunity to read about people like themselves. I remember as a young man when I stumbled upon Gordon Merrick and then Armistead Maupin. Then it was Felice Picano who took me on a wild mind twisting murder mystery. What do all these authors have in common? They all wrote gay characters. This was a first for me and what an impact it had. This is why I am doing a book drive for the Zebra Coalition. I’m begging for Y/A books so that they will have a library for kids between the ages of 13 and 24. If you are an author, or have a favorite author who writes in this genre, please contact me or have an author contact me. What a great gift this would be for the next generation, don’t you think? So, please take the time to reach out and make this happen.
Tis the Season…

My grandmother raised nine children, a lot of it during the great depression. Even then, she thought of others. She always found a way to give to someone else. It may not have been monetarily, but she always managed to give something.
I’m going to ask that of you now. As I’ve said before, I’ve adopted the Zebra Coalition as my charity and they have a wishlist on Amazon. (Uh… they kinda messed up, so if you go to their wish list, there is nothing showing, but if you click on their name, it comes up.) Anyway, there isn’t a lot on their list, and most all of it is under $20.00. With a little help, I think we could make this list disappear. Most of the items are to stock their pantry while they have their afternoon “Drop In”. Kids hang out there after school in the afternoons, so a lot of things are snacks and drink type things. Razors and shampoo are also on their list for their emergency shelter program. There are less than twenty items on this list. Let’s see if we can’t make it go away. What’cha say? OH, and if by chance you go and there is nothing, you can always check out their needs list on their website.
Wow, I got rather chatty with having nothing much to say, so I’ll stick a fork in it and call it done. Have a grrreat week, y’all.