Sunday, December 28, 2014


     Okay, so bear with me here. I’m going to ramble on as I try and wrap my head around all this. Might not be pretty, so hold on. I’m going to try and connect all the dots. We’ll see if I can or not. There is a theme here, believe it or not. 

     Recently I was asked, if I could spend the day with anyone, living or dead, who would it be? The answer was easy—my grandmother. I’d like to have her see that I do try and live by what she taught me, helping others when I could. Not so hard really. It’s easy to be able to say something or do something nice for someone else. I think I've stood on that soapbox enough for y’all to get the gist of that. So yeah, I’d love to be able to spend the day cooking and talking with my grandmother. 

     Then the pool was narrowed. What writer would you want to spend the day with? I had to think a moment longer on that one, but still didn't take me long. Maya Angelou. I became an avid reader of hers from about the age of 11. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is still one of my all-time favorite reads. I could listen to her speak for hours on end. Such a wise woman. About the only poet I will read to this day. 

     And don’t you know that the pool got smaller when I was asked, what gay author? Oh hell…this got really hard. There is no way I can pick just one. Maybe if I split the day up? As I've mentioned here before, I loved Gordon Merrick’s books. So I’d want to have a chat with him. My first question to him would be ‘How did you get The Lord Won’t Mind published in the first place, and how did if feel when it hit the New York Times Best Seller List? I've always been amazed at how that happened. 

     Then I’d want to spend some time with Armistead Maupin. His Tales of the City series is still one of my favorite go to reads. Fun, happy, emotional and sexy is how I would start to describe his books. I can’t help but think he’d be a riot to hang out with. We actually have a lot in common. 

     I was dreading the next question. I knew it was coming. I didn't want it. Yeah, got it anyway. “Who in the M/M genre?” Nope, not going there. I really haven’t had much time to read this year. I've had a lot of things going on and was very busy, so I didn't get much of my to be read list done. I will say that the few that I did manage to squeeze in were all amazing. There are a few new authors out there that blew my socks off. There was only one book that I started that I couldn't finish. That’s a record for me. Yeah, I’m fairly picky. If I can’t believe it or more importantly, feel it, I will put it down. It was the first book I ever returned on Amazon. 

     So I’m not going to answer who I want to spend time with, but I will give you this list of amazing authors that I’ve had the opportunity and joy to get to know. I’m also not going to say exactly what books, because they each have several. 

     So here it goes… 

     E. S. Skipper (and yes, I can be objective here) 

    Wulf Francú Godgluck 

     Taylor Law 

     Look ‘em up. You won’t be disappointed. 

     So… something happened earlier this week when I went to the grocery store. While everyone is piling their carts full of ham and other Xmas goodies, I’m trying to reach for a box of cereal that is on the top shelf, and is way back towards the back. I look around and there isn't anyone around that is taller than me so I prop up my stick and climb up the shelving. Not a big deal. Right? 

     It wouldn't have been a big deal until I started to laugh. Why? I was thinking of my man. Soon I won’t have to worry about getting things down from the top shelves. I got so tickled that I pulled down all the rest of the boxes, about five in total. 

     Just as I picked them up and ready to put them back on the shelf, a woman of about eighty comes around the corner, shorter than I am and looks at all the boxes in my arms. “You must really like that cereal” she states, a grin on her face. 

    I looked down and smiled. “Three teenage boys,” I quickly reply.  
     “Oh, you might want a few more then.” We laugh and she moves on. 

     I’m actually looking forward to cooking masses amount of food. It’s hard to cook for just one person. So bring it on. I’m ready. How big of a freezer do you think I need for a whole cow? 

     This will be the last blog for this year I guess. I’m not good on doing much retrospect right now. I've got too much going on. What I am proud of is the small changes that I've been able to make in other people’s lives. I like to think of it as a tribute to my grandmother. 

     So…until next year, get out there. Live. Love. Laugh. And figure out a way to give it to others. It doesn't take much to put a smile on someone’s face. 


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Crazy Mad Ramblings From a Nutters Gay Man

 Soooo….. Here we are again. Another Sunday, another blog post. I have no clue as to what I’m going to write about here, so I’m just going to wing it. Look out! You just never know what the fuck is going to fly out of my mouth. 

     The thing that has been most on my mind of late is my big man is in the hospital, recouping from brain surgery. Now, that’s some scary shit. I've been an emotional mess. Sleeping when I can, can’t work, can’t focus on anything but him. Worried? You bet your sweet ass I've been worried. Worried sick. 

I was told he had cute nurses.

     As I sit here, I try and find something positive about this whole thing, and, yes, I have found it. This past week I have had the opportunity to get to know his brothers, which is something that I've wanted for quite some time. They are both braniacs, which is a bit intimidating, if you know what I mean. 

      One brother, who is openly gay, is charming, charismatic, smart, funny, loving, caring, and so fucking gay sometimes it is hysterical. You can’t help but love the little minx. He’s also the dad of twins. Y’all ever have your mother say, “One day you’ll have children of your own and you’ll get yours.” Yeah, this young man is going to have his hands full. Karma is such a bitch sometimes. Oh, he is a twin by the way. I’m sure Natalie, his mum, is going to be laughing her ass off. 

     The other brother… oh hell, I don’t even know where to start with this one. Super smart, a sense of humor that could stop a Sherman tank, and as loving and caring as anyone could ask for. I know now why his mother loved him so. He’s also a sensitive soul, although he tries to hide it. Yeah, didn't work. I saw right through that shit. I've nicked named him Lump. It so fits him, too. He and I are going to have a lot of fun together. I can just feel it. 

     Some of the conversations that I've had with these two while my hunka-hunka burning love has been in the hospital is what has kept me going this week. We have laughed our asses off. Cried a bit, laughed more, and have gotten to know each other. I will gladly, gratefully, welcome these fantastic young men into my family. 

     Now, with that being said, I have to say that this family has been through living hell this past year. I’m not going to go into detail, but trust me when I say, the worst angst book you can imagine is in this family’s history. There are not many who could have made it with this shit dumped on them is such heaps. It really is something that makes you shake your head. The silver lining here is that these boys have pulled together and been there for each other like no other family I've ever seen. It truly has been remarkable to witness the love they share. This is the family that everyone dreams of. 

     Of course, they have their little squabbles, which I really find endearing if you want to know the truth. It’s these little things that make life interesting, if you ask me. “I’m not making lunch until you fucking tidy up the kitchen, Lump.” Did the Lump do it? Nope. The rest went out and had a great lunch out. He still had to clean up the kitchen. Yeah, I laughed my butt off. So cute. 

     So gentlemen, it has been my pleasure and joy to get to know you better. Yeah, I love ‘em. 

     What else… oh… uh… yeah… blank again. Maybe more coffee would help. 

     Ahhh, I know what else. I was asked to do a blog post for my friend Vicktor Alexander’s Birthday Extravaganza. I did. I’ll leave a link here if you want to read it. Let me just say, I roasted his ass a bit. It was all in fun of course. Love Vic to death. He is quite the character. Works like a dog sometimes, and I've had to make him stop from time to time to breathe.

     He and my friend have been staying with me, upon my man’s request, to keep me company (look after me) while he was in the hospital. I am grateful for this, however, I am grown. I think I could have handled it, but it was nice to have them around. 

     Anyway, I've given the poor man such a hard time. I’ve lost count at how many times I've made him choke on either coffee, soda, or food. I thought I was going to have to perform the Heimlich maneuver on him last night. It isn't like I do it on purpose, but it is kinda fun to watch. Nothing funnier than see someone blast coke through their nose. You know that shit burns, right? 

     So after I did his birthday post, you wouldn't believe the response. It was like we had invitations to do parties, people wanting to party with us. (We are such the party animals. NOT) Hell, we even had a request to do an appearance in Australia! I kid you not. I’m up for it. Vic said he’d do it. All right you Aussies…if you want us, let us know and we’ll see what we can do. I think there is a book thing in October there. Since neither one of us will ever do GRL again, we’re free. 

Awesome Aussie Hunks Appreciated

     Hey y’all, I need to ask you guys to step up to the plate a bit, if you can. Lost n Found’s Christmas list is up and needs your help. There are far too many items on their list that haven’t been filled. A lot of items listed there are under twenty-five dollars. Hell, there are some that aren't even ten dollars. These are gay kids that have been tossed out for being gay, or had no choice but to live on the streets. They are the next generation of torch bearers. Let’s give them a hand up. We, together, can help give them a little peace and perhaps a little joy for what is left of their childhood. They are just kids, after all. So please, if you can, do what you can. Tis the season, ya know. 

     Okay, that’s enough of my mad ramblings for this week. Don’t know if you can take much more anyway. Y’all have a great week and I’ll see you next time. One last thing… a quote from a very wise woman. “Live. Love. Laugh.” 

Would YOU lick his candy cane?
Oh yeah, I would!