Wow! It’s been an interesting couple of weeks. I’m sorry I wasn't able to post anything to the blog last week. As some of you man know, I’m in Florida for a while helping a really good friend of mine who had shoulder surgery. Took a week to get the internet here to work for me; talk about frustrating. Anyhow, I did manage to get things squared and away and am now working again.
The big news is that I got the first round of edits for P.O.W. from MLR back. Actually I got them on Thursday night, started on them Friday morning, finished them and sent back first thing Saturday morning. I've heard that editors will either love you or hate you for fast turnarounds. If this editor, Steve, hates it, he’s in trouble. LOL I must admit that I do like his style. After a few paragraphs I was able to see where his head was going. That always helps.
The really big news is that I self-published my very first stand-alone piece. For the regular visitors here, you may remember Hawk ‘n’ Harley. Well it is now for sale on Amazon and on All Romance eBooks. Woo-Hoo. Thanks to K.c. Wells for her support and editing expertise. Without her, this would never have happened. Also Ryan Fields was a big help in convincing me to get this done. Of course he has a computer guru in the house to help him! Hell, I have trouble with the TV remote. So please, go and purchase Hawk ‘n’ Harley. It is a sweet story with a great HEA story. IF it does well enough, I promise to do a full follow up story with these characters. Deal? Seems poor Dan may have gotten himself into a bit of a situation. But a knight in shining armor comes to save the day. Wonder who that might be? Huh? Wanna leave a comment and see if you’re right?
Buy Hawk 'n' Harley here!
Now, with that behind me I’m happy to announce that I plan on releasing more shorts and eventually one full novel by the end of the year, other than the one from MLR. Count on more bikers, bears and Marines in the near future. I mean, who doesn’t like a hot Marine?
Don’t forget that there is a free read on Goodreads people. It has gotten some very nice reviews, so go…read…enjoy the weekend!
Anything For You Sir - On Goodreads
Thanks to one and all.
Max ;-)

The really big news is that I self-published my very first stand-alone piece. For the regular visitors here, you may remember Hawk ‘n’ Harley. Well it is now for sale on Amazon and on All Romance eBooks. Woo-Hoo. Thanks to K.c. Wells for her support and editing expertise. Without her, this would never have happened. Also Ryan Fields was a big help in convincing me to get this done. Of course he has a computer guru in the house to help him! Hell, I have trouble with the TV remote. So please, go and purchase Hawk ‘n’ Harley. It is a sweet story with a great HEA story. IF it does well enough, I promise to do a full follow up story with these characters. Deal? Seems poor Dan may have gotten himself into a bit of a situation. But a knight in shining armor comes to save the day. Wonder who that might be? Huh? Wanna leave a comment and see if you’re right?
Buy Hawk 'n' Harley here!
Now, with that behind me I’m happy to announce that I plan on releasing more shorts and eventually one full novel by the end of the year, other than the one from MLR. Count on more bikers, bears and Marines in the near future. I mean, who doesn’t like a hot Marine?
Anything For You Sir - On Goodreads
Thanks to one and all.
Max ;-)